Monday, June 20, 2011

Symbol Room: Cool Shit

This room is awesome. And that's what this blog is all about, awesome rooms. SO. Just look at this room. I mean, it may give you a headache or some shit like that after a while, but fuck, who cares, this room is just too fucking amazing that no one will give a shit whether or not its mesmerizing or whatever. That bed doesn't look at comfy as aquaman's bed, but it still looks pretty damn comfy. The room is rather small. It doesn't matter though, cause' the dude who painted these symbols or hieroglyphics or whatever the fuck they are obviously worked pretty fucking hard. And if the room were any bigger.. well DAMN! Poor fucking dude. But the point is, this room is fucking awesome, and a lot better than your room and mines.

Tree House Kids Room

This is totally one of the "never gonna happen to me" rooms. Those rooms you KNOW you'll never get in your whole fucking life. I mean, look at this shit. It's like, a forest or some shit like that. If I were a kid and I had this room, I'd be in there all day, just chilling. Who WOULDN'T want to be here. Look how OPEN it is, how LIGHT it is. This room is just fucking amazing. But you'd have to be filthy rich to get this. And since this is a CHILD'S bedroom, imagine the PARENT'S bedroom. I mean... It's probably as impressive as the aquaman bedrooms or something.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Another "pool" room

Another 'pool' room. Maybe this one is aquaman's mother's room or something. Who knows. Well. I like this room better than the other 'pool' room because of how light and big this room is. It looks so fucking huge and cozy. It probably smells like pool.. you know how pool smells. But that's all right because I have a fucking pool in my bedroom and that is all I need. And look at that ceiling. SHIT! Dude that is a high fucking ceiling. I mean.. Damn! Well anyways, lucky, lucky aquaman.. and his fucking family. Not ONLY does he have pools all over his fucking house, but he can talk to fucking sea animals. That is just so amazing.


This is probably aquaman's room. Look at that. First of all that bed is fucking round. I've ALWAYS wanted a round fucking bed. Shit. And it's surrounded by water. That is just beautiful. Lucky you, Aquaman, that bed looks comfy as fuck. And look at the bridge to LEAVE/ENTER the room. How cool would it be to have a bridge to leave/enter the room. That's just great, great GREAT! I'd be swimming in that pool all day, e'ryday.

Fancy like muh ledddy.

Don't ask about the title of this post. LOOL.
I found this bedroom so fucking awesome. Just look at that shit. I bet you wish that was yours. What really fascinated me was the fucking lights on the ceiling. Holy shit man. I have no idea why that even interested me when the bed is in an awesome chamber thing. Shit. This room is just epic. I mean. Look at it. It's so simple yet so amazing. If I owned this room, my life would be fucking complete.

What's it about

Awesome rooms is obviously a blog for awesome rooms. Rooms we ALL wish WE had. Once in a while I might post something different. Who knows. But this is going to be updated WHENEVER I happen to stumble upon a really cool room. Surely, you'll love this blog.